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2 posters

    mid summer fire thingy fire guide


    Number of posts : 108
    Registration date : 2009-06-17

    mid summer fire thingy fire guide Empty mid summer fire thingy fire guide

    Post  Deathsknight Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:15 am

    North to south fires on Kalimdor :

    -Bloodmyst Isle - South of Blood Watch Alliance Crest [55, 67]
    -Azuremyst Isle - West of Azure Watch Alliance Crest [44, 52]
    -Darkshore - Auberdine Alliance Crest [37, 45]


    -Teldrassil - Dolanaar Alliance Crest [54, 60]
    -Ashenvale - South-East of Astranaar Alliance Crest [37, 54]
    Ashenvale - South-West of Splintertree Post Horde Crest [69, 69]
    -Ashenvale - 1 time quest @ Zoram Strand
    -Winterspring - North-East of Everlook Alliance Crest [62, 35]
    -Winterspring - North-West of Everlook Horde Crest [59, 35]

    -Stonetalon Mountains - East of Sunrock Retreat Horde Crest [50, 60]
    -The Barrens - North of Crossroads Horde Crest [51, 26]
    -Durotar - South of Razor Hill Horde Crest [51, 46]
    -Orgrimmar - Doorway of Thrall's room Horde Crest [46, 38]
    -Dustwallow Marsh - North-West of Theramore Alliance Crest [61, 39]
    -Dustwallow Marsh - West of Brackenwall Village Horde Crest [33, 31]
    -Mulgore - East of Bloodhoof Village Horde Crest [53, 60]
    -Thunder Bluff - On the Spirit Rise Horde Crest [21, 25]

    -Desolace - South of Nijel's Point Alliance Crest [65, 17]
    -Desolace - South of Shadowprey Village Horde Crest [26, 77]
    -Feralas - West of Feathermoon Stronghold Alliance Crest [28, 43]
    -Feralas - West of Camp Mojache Horde Crest [72, 47]
    -Thousand Needles - South-West of Freewind Post Horde Crest [41, 52]
    -Tanaris - East of Gadgetzan Alliance Crest [52,28]
    -Tanaris - West of Gadgetzan Horde Crest [49,28]
    -Silithus - East of Cenarion Hold Alliance Crest [55, 35]
    -Silithus - South-West of Cenarion Hold Horde Crest [46, 43]

    North South fires on Eastern Kingdoms :

    -Silvermoon City* - Court of the Sun, inside, in the back Horde Crest [68, 41]
    -Eversong Woods - south of Falconwing Square in the middle of the map Horde Crest [46, 51]
    -Ghostlands - North of Tranquillien Horde Crest [47, 26]
    -Western Plaguelands - Chillwind Camp Alliance Crest [43, 82]
    -Tiristfal Glades - slightly west of Brill Horde Crest [56, 61]
    -Undercity* - In the courtyard, just inside Horde Crest [68, 7]

    -Silverpine Forest - East of The Sepulcher Horde Crest [50, 39]
    -Hillsbrad Foothills - Southwest of Tarren Mill Horde Crest [58, 25]
    -Hillsbrad Foothills - North of Southshore Alliance Crest [50, 47],
    -The Hinterlands - East of Aerie PeakAlliance Crest [14, 50]
    -The Hinterlands - just North of Raventusk Village Horde Crest [76, 74].
    -Arathi Highlands - South of Hammerfall Horde Crest [73, 41]
    -Arathi Highlands - Northeast of Refuge Point Alliance Crest [50, 44]

    -Wetlands - North of Menethil Harbor Alliance Crest [13, 47]
    -Dun Morogh - North of Kharanos Alliance Crest [46, 47]
    -Loch Modan - North of Thelsamar Alliance Crest [32, 40]
    -Badlands - Kargath Horde Crest [4, 50]
    -Burning Steppes - Flame Crest Horde Crest [61, 29]
    -Burning Steppes - Morgan's Vigil Alliance Crest [81, 63],
    -Redridge Mountains - South of Lakeshire, across the bridge Alliance Crest [26, 60]
    -Westfall - Sentinel Hill Alliance Crest [55, 52]
    -Elwynn Forest - Goldshire Alliance Crest [43, 63]
    -Duskwood - South of Darkshire Alliance Crest [73, 54]
    -Swamp of Sorrows - North of Stonard Horde Crest [46, 45]
    -Blasted Lands - West of Nethergarde Keep Alliance Crest [58, 17]
    -Stranglethorn Vale - East of Booty Bay Alliance Crest Horde Crest [33, 74]

    Outlands Fires starting in Hellfire

    -Hellfire Peninsula - East of Honor Hold Alliance Crest [62, 58]
    -Hellfire Peninsula - South-East of Thrallmar Horde Crest [57, 42]
    -Hellfire Peninsula -*When here do the Daily for summoning the Ice Lord*
    -Shadowmoon Valley - North-East of Wildhammer Stronghold Alliance Crest [40, 54]
    -Shadowmoon Valley - East of Shadowmoon Village Horde Crest [33, 31]

    -Terokkar Forest - West of Allerian Stronghold Alliance Crest [54, 56]
    -Terokkar Forest - East of Stonebreaker Hold Horde Crest [52, 43]
    -Nagrand - West of Telaar Alliance Crest [50, 70]
    -Nagrand - West of Garadar Horde Crest [51, 34]
    -Zangarmarsh - South of Telredor Alliance Crest [69, 52]
    -Zangarmarsh - East of Zabra'jin Horde Crest [35, 52]
    -Blade's Edge Mountains - East of Sylvanaar Alliance Crest [41, 65]
    -Blade's Edge Mountains - South-West of Thunderlord Stronghold Horde Crest [50, 58]
    -Netherstorm - North-West of Area 52 Alliance Crest [31, 62]
    -Netherstorm - South of Area 52 Horde Crest [32, 68]

    Northrend Fires, (not part of achievement, but good for extra blossoms)

    NORTHREND (120 blossoms)
    Northrend Sholazar Basin River's Heart [47, 66]
    Northrend Sholazar Basin River's Heart [47, 62]
    Northrend Borean Tundra Fizzcrank Airstrip [55, 20]
    Northrend Borean Tundra Bor'gorok Outpost [51, 12]
    Northrend Dragonblight Wintergarde Keep [75, 44]
    Northrend Dragonblight Agmar's Hammer [39, 48]
    Northrend Howling Fjord Fort Wildervar [58, 16]
    Northrend Howling Fjord Camp Winterhoof [48, 13]
    Northrend Grizzly Hills Amberpine Lodge [34, 61]
    Northrend Grizzly Hills Conquest Hold [19, 61]
    Northrend Zul'Drak The Argent Stand [41, 61]
    Northrend Zul'Drak The Argent Stand [43, 71]
    Northrend Storm Peaks K3 [42, 87]
    Northrend Storm Peaks K3 [40, 86]
    Northrend Crystalsong Forest Windrunner's Overlook [78, 75]
    Northrend Crystalsong Forest Sunreaver's Command [80, 53]
    Honor Guard
    Honor Guard

    Number of posts : 289
    Age : 33
    Location : On the moon, preparing sky lazorz
    Registration date : 2009-02-19

    mid summer fire thingy fire guide Empty Re: mid summer fire thingy fire guide

    Post  Sazero Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:52 am

    WAAAAAAAAALL OOOOF TEXT: Makes your god damn eyes bleed!

    Yes that is all my "originality" could give me today...

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